Juice box rig involved 2 objects to be rigged which were linked.
Using multiple rigging tools was necessary to get the rig done.

The above image shows stretch and squash action along with bend action. Squash and bend deformers were used to get the deformation of juice box.

After the deformers were added they were parent constrained with the help of curve. Curves help deform the object according to user by moving, scaling or rotating in required axis. Set driven key helps in setting the rig to particular selected object.

Outliner displays the grouping of certain objects to make it user friendly to animate.

This image shows juice box twisted. Twist deformer was used to get the action.

After the curve is parent constrained to the deformer, it is set driven to required axis to rotate. The stretch, squash and bend function in limited action so it adds life to object.


Sipping action is displayed as deformation on straw.

This rig allows the animator to animate sipping of juice from the box.

A locator is snapped to the vertex which is at centre of the textured hole to put the straw. Locator functions as a master control of the whole straw. A curve was driven following the shape of straw, then a sculpt deformer was added by selecting the curve. Sculpt deformer comes along with a locator.

Sculpt deformer is parent constrained with the curve so that it follows the curve. A curve is created with an extra attribute that displays in channel box. Using parent constrain the sculpt deformer and curve are linked, thus obtaining sipping action.

Final process involves creating a master control for the whole object by grouping all of it in outliner. Translate and rotate function properly. For scaling two scaling two scale constrains are added - one for whole object, another for sculpt deformer.


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