This is my first exercise in Animating a Body mechanics(action).
The job was to create a shot of a character performing a stunt. My inspiration for action is Sir Jackie Chan. hence, I took one of his movie scenes as a reference.
The reference is from Police story(1988) - Park fight scene.

The WIP images show both characters in action.
Steps to Animate a action scene using a reference -
* Selecting a suitable action sequence is necessary, so we can animate it. I selected a scene where the camera is still and Jackie chan movies obviously contain scenes which are clear.
* The key poses and breakdowns are noted by referring frame to frame.
* After you have noted the keys, next step is to start animating.
* A quick selection set is created to characters by selecting their controls.
* When the key poses(Step mode) are done, the breakdowns are added.
* Final polishing is done in the final to get the action precisely.
Watch the below video to see the Body mechanics
Animating this was very exciting and fun. Had a wonderful experience creating a shot.
I will be posting animation clips, stay tuned.


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