This is a exercise done to achieve a fog created by sunlight when it hits a window of a house.
There are 3 different steps to achieve it.
A simple room is modelled to light up ambient occlusion.
A surface shader is added to model and ambient occlusion option is turned on. Various attributes are adjusted to get the proper white and black render.
Later for the same model Physical sun and sky is added through render settings.
This image is saved separately as to not damage the ambient occlusion.
Here the model consists of basic lambert shader.
The area is lit by a directional light which is created when Physical sun and sky is created.
Directional light consists of custom shader attribute. this suppresses all Maya shaders.
The next step is to obtain the fog.
Here a surface shader is added to the model and a mental ray light called mib_light_infinite.
To get a proper fog various adjustments are made in the attributes.
A final composition of all the steps.


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